I have not posted a thing in almost a whole entire week!
I can't believe it's been so long.
I guess I just haven't really felt like talking(

). I haven't even really been on YIM or MSNM or the phone. Can you believe it? Not even the phone!
I don't know what I've been doing. I still haven't been to the bar

, it's been at least a month and a half by now.
Ok, I do kind of know what I've been doing. One whole day was taken up by Angie's kids- we were playing

on Neopets.com, now I have to take care of like 8 Neopets. It was fun though. One day last week I went to this store that's going out of business (

YAY! for cheap paint, BOOO

for yet another craft store closing) and bought more presents for Christmas and some paint for myself. I got green and orange

. They didn't have any black oil paint

. I have never never never had black oil paint. I just wanna try it out. Just a little bit of black, just a tiny teensy little bitty dab and I'd be happy, but no, they had to run out right before I got there

. At least I have a huge tube of white now.
So anyway, I've been painting

. I've done several paintings that I like, and one that I don't like, and one isn't near complete so I have no opinion on it yet.
I'm kind of thinking about giving some people paintings for Christmas, that way I can justify spending money on paint instead of presents

, but I don't know which paintings to give to which people. Mathew wants Blue Moon in acrylics, I don't know about anyone else though. I don't really like that painting, I don't see why other people like it so much. He says he likes that the moon kind of looks like an eye. I don't think I've taken a pic of that one yet, I'll have to remember to photo everything before wrapping anything.
Hmm.. what else?
Oh, sweetiepie is gone

. I think he's like psycho or anti-social or just bental, I can't be too sure though. I do see now why his friends call him "Bitch".
I am thinking about just giving up on men completely

. Don't get me wrong- it's not about him, it's just ... I think I'm like really really bad at picking men. I always seem to become attracted to the wrong guys. They seem all great at the beginning

, then everything goes weird

. For instance- suddenly they are like psycho clingy, I can't even leave the room without them at least starting to get up to follow me, or they are all devoted at first and then out of the blue it's over

. I know I am not exactly the best girl-friend in the world. Although a few of my exes seem to think so

, not everyone I've dated got to see that side of me, so a lot would most likely disagree with the few. Errrr, Ummm

, ok I'm kind of in the middle of trying to finish this painting so I'm a little distracted- did that last sentence make much sense? Of course it made a little sense, but is it just me or did I like totally screw up the sentence structure on that one? Oh well, no biggie. I'm starting to like my work in progress. I need to wait until it dries to give her lips and a nose, but it's almost done, I think I might add a few little extra brush stokes

here and there though. I need an opinion on it and the only person here is my grandma, and what I need to know can't be answered by her. I think the answer is "No" though.
OMG! Ok, I fixed some canned ravioli a little earlier and I didn't finish it yet, and I set it down a little too close to my paint thinner jar and a brush flew out of the jar (don't ask me how it happened, I was doing something and knocked it out of there and it went flying), and now there's paint thinner in my ravioli. Appetizing isn't it? So now I have to scour the kitchen looking for something else to eat. Isn't that just like too totally exciting?

I think I say "OMG!" too much, what about you?
Oh yeah, I was saying how I am going to give up on men. I'm going to stop thinking about them all. I don't need to waste my time thinking about any man ever ever again. Ok, all except that one. He just won't leave. I just have never ever ever been able to get him out of my mind. I don't like him though, so it's not the same

. So, except for that one person, all men from now on are completely out of my thoughts, I don't ever ever think about any of them again. At least this week.
I'm tired. I'm bored. I'm whiney.
I have a headache, I've had it for about a week now and it won't go away. I keep saying I'm going to go to the doctor and get that shot that he was talking about, but so far I haven't. It's not really that bad though. Nothing has gone numb yet, there haven't been any really funky dreams (except this one, and it's not quite the same), and it only occasionally makes me tired. I'm tired right now

. I don't want to nap though. I'll probably just put up with it until next week. I do need to go to the doctor though, I missed an appointment last week

, and I don't have any refills on my medicines. I don't know why I missed that appointment. I don't have a good reason for it at all. I was tired, I didn't feel good, I laid down for a minute and ended up taking a nap. I hadn't told anyone specifically what time the appointment was for so noone woke me up. So my excuse is "I didn't feel good." I didn't go to the doctor because I didn't feel good

. That's really schmart of me ain't it?
I mentioned a weird dream. I don't know if I should post it though. It was odd... (Yes, weird AND odd

) I don't remember much of it, and what I do is mixed together with another weird dream. If I post it then it MIGHT help me sort it out, but then again it might just freak everyone out

At 10:45 AM,
Me said…
Ok, so I had a "boyfriend" for a couple of weeks.
It was fun.
I haven't thought I might seriously care about someone for quite some time. Actually kind of wonder if it's possible. People keep looking at me funny when I say that.
Don't look at me funny.
I'm serious.
Really, I swear.
I care about my friends, I love my friends, I love my family, I love myself, I don't love men. I don't love boyfriends. I don't love dates. I don't love them. I don't know why. I just don't.
I want to.
I occassionally think I could start to feel that way. Like recently.
I even say the words, or want to say the words, just don't mean them, not really.
What's wrong with me?
Is it that I can not love?
Am I a heartless bitch creature that just simply can not feel love like that?
I am a neurotic with severe trust issues.
Low self esteem rears it's ugly head.
I'm not really all that bad about it though, just never think anyone is really going to stick around. Well, not entirely true, the ones that I know will stick around are just annoying and I know in the begining that it's not even going to work.
I seem to attract men that have mommy abandonement issues. "Mommy didn't love me." "Mommy didn't accept me." "Mommy... mommy... mommy..."
Not talkin' 'bout anyone in particular, just saying it happens alot.
Also not saying that I don't like you if your mom didn't love you. Just saying "I'm not your mother!" and "Do not look to me to cure your neurosis or your whatever, because - Guess what? - also not a shrink."
I got my own problems. You wanna talk mommy abandonement ? I got tons of stories. You wanna talk about mommy didn't love me, daddy didn't love me? Got my own stories. Guess what? They don't bother me much. You didn't get what you wanted for Christmas or your birthday? I didn't get anything ANYTHING a couple of times so I don't wanna hear it.
SOund like i'm up on my soap box bitching to the whole world? Maybe. I'm not in the greatest mood. Headaches tired and some other junk.
I just get tired of it. I try, I really try to just let it go in one ear and out the other, but after awhile it builds up, and I just got to let it out.
I mean it's not that I don't wanna hear your problems, I can listen all you want, and if we are close I'll pat yer head and say it'lll get better. I'll try to comfort you, it's all cool. But when you start making demands on me based off your issues then you've crossed the line. You do NOT try to stop a break up by saying that your mother didn't love you or all women leave you or that I'm the only good thing to ever ever happen to you in your whole entire life. That's BS. You do NOT try to force someone to say "I love you" by saying anythign about mommy not loving you or exes not saying it or whatever. It's just not done by the emotionally stable.
Wait, I'm not emotionally stable. AM i? Maybe I am, at least more so than some I know.
I know I complain alot on my blog, but that's what it's there for. I really don't have much to complain about that doesn't come from other people though. I mean, I have complaints with other people, not my life in general. I used to complain about everything, and i mean everything, but I don't think it's all that bad anymore. I was having this massive case of post partum dpression at the time, who knew it could last so long? (Honestly it can last up to 2 years after the birth of the child.) Not much of an excuse, but it is a REAL excuse. I was depressed, severely for a couple of years and I wasn't happy with anything.
"I'm feeling MUCH better now...." Yeah I guess I CAN quote occasionally.
I'm happy just about all the time. 'Cept when my head aches. Or umm.. PMS strikes. Even then, I'm happy with my life and myself, just all pissy.
I need to stop complaining, I'm annoying myself.
I need to get back to the subject.
Boyfriends, and why I don't love them.
I really need to find someone I love as a friend first. Someone I trust to begin with, and then maybe...
Not going to happen though, no one I've met wants to try being just friends first.
I don't really like jumping into relationships though. I know that if it happens too quick then yer stuck in this relationship you don't wanna be in, but you feel all obligated to work things out with some major dick that ticks you off 100 different ways, just because you slipped up and said " I love you".
I mean I KNOW I say it too much, I know I don't think before I say it, I know I shouldn't do that. Can't help it though. I mean you're there with your supposed b/f all cuddly and in that after-glow-drained-to-the-point-you-don't-think-straight frame of mind and it slips out. OR he says it first.
OMG watch out when he says it first.
If you don't wanna say it back then you start feeling all weird everytime he says it and then (OMG) he might be one of those guys that gets all whiney because you don't wanna say it too. Then you feel like you HAVE to say it so he'll shut up, or you don't say it and you break up.
Now this last time I didn't say a word about it. I posted that I felt like saying it. I did feel like saying it, I never almost said, I never started to like open my mouth and then think twice and shut up or anything. I was just in that cuddley mode and had this feeling of comfort and peace and the words came to mind, knew they weren't true yet, so wasn't about to say it.
I have a little more self-repect than that. I mean, you know, if you say it just to be saying it even though you know it isn't true then you are lying and you can't be respectin' yerself too awfly much if yer lyin' about lovin', right? Especially since you know your not supposed to lie, then you're opening yourself up to guilt about saying that you love... Make sense?
OMG I just tyed quilt instead of guilt, think maybe I'm feeling guilty about not finishing that quilt yet? ;)
What was my point?
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