Last Thursday
Last Thursday Tonya called me and asked if I wanted to go to her Pampered Chef party. I was like "Sure."
and we decided I would spend the night that night so I would already be there for the party the next day
. We got to her apartment and relaxed a tiny little bit
. The next day I helped her get ready for the party. She had it at her aunt's house. We had to get the place all ready, buy some snack foods, set up a veggie platter and a meat platter, and a few other little things
. I called Angie to see if she wanted to go, but she was busy or something. I tried to call Dan to see what he was doing afterward but his phone was busy
I won a spice packet as a door prize
and I ordered more than I should have
. I ordered this crust saver thing for my grandma for Christmas because she is always burning the crust on her pies
After the party we went back to Tonya's, since I couldn't get ahold of Dan to see if he wanted to do something. All the people that were about our age, and not related to Tonya, that were at the Pampered Chef party went to her after party party at her place.
We drank a little
and stuff. That one guy that annoys me was there again
. He didn't really annoy me this time. Oh yeah, I think he stopped saying "retrospect". He now claims complete illiteracy. 
I crashed
WAY before anyone else did. I am just not used to that kind of thing anymore
I slept way too long. I can't believe how late I slept. Oh yeah, I almost forgot- I'm supposed to be suing someone for burping really loudly and traumatizing me. I think I'll let her slide this time though.
I started on my Christmas shopping
. I hate to spoil the surprise and all, but everyone is getting a piggy bank. I found these really really cute piggy banks and I bought like 7 of them. Ok, I guess that wouldn't really cover everyone
, but still. I got this really cute thing for Tonya and some cute things for Caitie and Geoffrey. Geoffrey is getting an awful lot of Hot Wheels for Christmas this year, I hope he likes cars. 
One last thing- Did you know that Smarties contain no corn syrup what-so-ever?
Isn't that awesome?
I can eat candy nananananana

I won a spice packet as a door prize

After the party we went back to Tonya's, since I couldn't get ahold of Dan to see if he wanted to do something. All the people that were about our age, and not related to Tonya, that were at the Pampered Chef party went to her after party party at her place.

We drank a little

I crashed

I slept way too long. I can't believe how late I slept. Oh yeah, I almost forgot- I'm supposed to be suing someone for burping really loudly and traumatizing me. I think I'll let her slide this time though.

I started on my Christmas shopping

One last thing- Did you know that Smarties contain no corn syrup what-so-ever?

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