I haven't posted in a long time.
I've been really sick. Yes, still sick.
It's been like 3 weeks now. I've been totally miserable. I went out and bought myself a teddy bear
and some PJs to make myself feel better. I wanted this one teddy bear I saw but it was 30 bucks and I didn't want to spend that much on something that I'll be putting into storage once I'm better, so I bought a five dollar one. He's cute, fluffy, squishable, golden brown with a bow.
I had to go to the ER last Thursday because I woke up with this severe stomach pain. They gave me some pills to take, and I feel a lot better now, almost completely back to normal
. I still have like a week's worth of pills left to take though
My face is just about back to normal too
, just a little pinkish. I haven't sneezed in awhile, but I'm still coughing.
I didn't get to go out for Halloween. Angie borrowed my totally cool costume so at least someone got to look all cute in it. I talked to my sweetiepie of a boyfriend
that night. He was having a party
and he missed me and wished I could be there. Me too. :( He said something about that there wasn't anyone else there that would cuddle with him. "Well, I should hope not." 'cuz ya know I get all jealous of stuff like that.
We went out for ice cream a couple of days later. I was telling him about how I was craving ice cream
and wanted either a coconut cream pie shake or a cherry mash cyclone (Cherry Mash candy "bar" chopped up and put in a blender with vanilla ice cream). So we went for cherry mash cyclones. They were good, but not great. I think coconut cream pie shakes are better.
Ok, what else happened.....? Um...I went to the doctor a few times, I painted a little, watched a lot of TV, and Caitlyn's birthday was six days ago. I didn't get to see her on her birthday, but they came into town yesterday, I made her favorite cheese cake and she opened her presents.
I'm surprised that not everyone wanted cheese cake. I made two of them and there's still two slices left from the first one. I topped it with blue berry pie filling type stuff. It's yummy. I think the texture is slightly off, but no one else noticed it, it just wasn't quite as creamy as usual.
My bedroom is a complete wreck
, so was the bathroom until about a half-hour ago. I just couldn't stand it any longer- it was getting kind of nasty in there. Pretty soon I plan on cleaning up in here a bit, I can hardly walk around in here at all. It's really that bad- really- I'm serious- no kidding. Ok, well, MAYBE I've seen worse, but this IS bad.
I need to get to work on it though because I'm going to cuddle with my sweetie tonight so I don't have long before I need to start getting ready.
Oh! I almost forgot my cousin had a son the other night.One of my cousin's had a baby about a month ago. That's two down one to go. My other cousin isn't due until sometime next month. My grandparents get three brand new great-grandchildren in one year. WOW. There are so many little kids in the family now. There are at least a dozen under 13, and probably more to come pretty soon. Although two of them did get their tubes tied so they can not have any more children, they both have 3 already.
Ok, I had these weird dreams one night while I was all feverish and sick- they were freaky. Ok, one was My Sweetie breaking up with me online because I was sick and he didn't want a sick girlfriend or somethin' silly like that. Then this other one - OMG- I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, and was so uncomfortable that when I did drift off to sleep I didn't realize I was asleep. So there I was sleeping and dreaming about not being able to sleep, then I heard someone talking, I kind of went in and out of an actual dream, I don't remember quite what was going on, but someone ( I think it was the girl the voice belonged to) was packing to move far away, she left most of her things, and only took some clothes and other things that would fit into one smallish suitcase, then I was like "Why are you leaving? I didn't know we could leave. " She said that if you leave at a certain time then the monster-creature-it-thing wouldn't know about it for awhile and you'd have time to get away. The monster-creature-it-thing was a behind-the-scenes- type of monster, controlling people and stuff and most people weren't aware of it most of the time, everyone KNEW about it, IT just made people forget that it could exist. Then I wanted to leave too, I had just remembered how awful he it-thing was. I started packing a small suitcase for myself, I needed to get this thing that was on the other side of my bed, I lay down on the bed to reach for the stuff I needed, and then the it-thing showed up, it went to attack me, it jumped on my back, it was like me in some way or another. I didn't want to look at it, I thought if I pretended it wasn't there and didn't move the it-thing would go away. It didn't go away. I screamed "NO!" I woke myself up. Towards the end of the dream, when I was lying on the bed trying to reach the stuff, was when it felt most like I was awake, prolly because I was actually lying the same way in the dream as in reality, so when I woke myself up I was really really freaked there was like a couple of minutes there where I wasn't entirely certain it wasn't real. Then I remembered the rest of the dream. Still couldn't go back to sleep for a really long time though.
I hadn't been sleeping very well for awhile, I spent almost all of Thursday in bed. I would wake up for a couple of hours and then start feeling all tired again and go back to bed. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep at the emergency room - demerol kicks my ass, especially through an IV. I'm surprised my hand isn't bruised more, usually my whole hand will be covered in this huge blue-violet-pink bruise for days and days. This time it's just a tiny little green-tan that you can barely see. Also they used this different tape at first and it didn't make me itch! but then when the IV was taken out she put this cotton ball on it and used the yucky itchy tape to hold it on there. I took it off as soon as possible, I didn't want my hand to get all red and puffy and itchy.
Anyways, since I slept most of Thursday, and had the nightmares Friday night, I went ahead and took a sleeping pill last night. I slept great! I don't remember any dreams, I didn't keep waking up all night, I woke up in the morning- the actual AM, I feel so much better today than I have in a while.
Oh, OOPS! I'm supposed to be cleaning and getting ready to go out.
Bye-Bye for now.

I've been really sick. Yes, still sick.

I had to go to the ER last Thursday because I woke up with this severe stomach pain. They gave me some pills to take, and I feel a lot better now, almost completely back to normal

My face is just about back to normal too

I didn't get to go out for Halloween. Angie borrowed my totally cool costume so at least someone got to look all cute in it. I talked to my sweetiepie of a boyfriend

We went out for ice cream a couple of days later. I was telling him about how I was craving ice cream

Ok, what else happened.....? Um...I went to the doctor a few times, I painted a little, watched a lot of TV, and Caitlyn's birthday was six days ago. I didn't get to see her on her birthday, but they came into town yesterday, I made her favorite cheese cake and she opened her presents.
I'm surprised that not everyone wanted cheese cake. I made two of them and there's still two slices left from the first one. I topped it with blue berry pie filling type stuff. It's yummy. I think the texture is slightly off, but no one else noticed it, it just wasn't quite as creamy as usual.
My bedroom is a complete wreck

I need to get to work on it though because I'm going to cuddle with my sweetie tonight so I don't have long before I need to start getting ready.
Oh! I almost forgot my cousin had a son the other night.One of my cousin's had a baby about a month ago. That's two down one to go. My other cousin isn't due until sometime next month. My grandparents get three brand new great-grandchildren in one year. WOW. There are so many little kids in the family now. There are at least a dozen under 13, and probably more to come pretty soon. Although two of them did get their tubes tied so they can not have any more children, they both have 3 already.
Ok, I had these weird dreams one night while I was all feverish and sick- they were freaky. Ok, one was My Sweetie breaking up with me online because I was sick and he didn't want a sick girlfriend or somethin' silly like that. Then this other one - OMG- I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, and was so uncomfortable that when I did drift off to sleep I didn't realize I was asleep. So there I was sleeping and dreaming about not being able to sleep, then I heard someone talking, I kind of went in and out of an actual dream, I don't remember quite what was going on, but someone ( I think it was the girl the voice belonged to) was packing to move far away, she left most of her things, and only took some clothes and other things that would fit into one smallish suitcase, then I was like "Why are you leaving? I didn't know we could leave. " She said that if you leave at a certain time then the monster-creature-it-thing wouldn't know about it for awhile and you'd have time to get away. The monster-creature-it-thing was a behind-the-scenes- type of monster, controlling people and stuff and most people weren't aware of it most of the time, everyone KNEW about it, IT just made people forget that it could exist. Then I wanted to leave too, I had just remembered how awful he it-thing was. I started packing a small suitcase for myself, I needed to get this thing that was on the other side of my bed, I lay down on the bed to reach for the stuff I needed, and then the it-thing showed up, it went to attack me, it jumped on my back, it was like me in some way or another. I didn't want to look at it, I thought if I pretended it wasn't there and didn't move the it-thing would go away. It didn't go away. I screamed "NO!" I woke myself up. Towards the end of the dream, when I was lying on the bed trying to reach the stuff, was when it felt most like I was awake, prolly because I was actually lying the same way in the dream as in reality, so when I woke myself up I was really really freaked there was like a couple of minutes there where I wasn't entirely certain it wasn't real. Then I remembered the rest of the dream. Still couldn't go back to sleep for a really long time though.
I hadn't been sleeping very well for awhile, I spent almost all of Thursday in bed. I would wake up for a couple of hours and then start feeling all tired again and go back to bed. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep at the emergency room - demerol kicks my ass, especially through an IV. I'm surprised my hand isn't bruised more, usually my whole hand will be covered in this huge blue-violet-pink bruise for days and days. This time it's just a tiny little green-tan that you can barely see. Also they used this different tape at first and it didn't make me itch! but then when the IV was taken out she put this cotton ball on it and used the yucky itchy tape to hold it on there. I took it off as soon as possible, I didn't want my hand to get all red and puffy and itchy.
Anyways, since I slept most of Thursday, and had the nightmares Friday night, I went ahead and took a sleeping pill last night. I slept great! I don't remember any dreams, I didn't keep waking up all night, I woke up in the morning- the actual AM, I feel so much better today than I have in a while.
Oh, OOPS! I'm supposed to be cleaning and getting ready to go out.
Bye-Bye for now.
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