Pumpkin Carving
Saturday I got up early, too early. Like 7 am early
. I eventually got to nap for a couple of hours. My sweetie pie
was online trying to talk to me while I was asleep, "Why doesn't he just call you?" you might say...."Well, honey bunches, I really don't know the answer to that one.". He had said something about not having a car anymore. I was like "Oh no! Does that mean no date?"
and he wasn't online anymore and didn't answer the phone so I had to go on assumptions.
I almost went out to the bar with Angie
, but I was hungry and she was in a hurry, and I really would have no reason to go right now except to hang out with her and to say "Bye bye." to DJ. I wonder if he has picked up on the fact that I haven't been there for a while even though he made sure to tell me, several times, which days he would be there for the next couple of weeks .I also just didn't feel like dealing with the drama.
So, I figured I would be at home all night. I thought that it wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to go ahead and eat hotdogs and sauerkraut. That stuff just totally destroys my stomach
, but it tastes so awesome. I don't know why though, I mean it sounds so nasty. Rotten yucky shredded cabbage, but you put some mustard and ketchup and a hot dog on that stuff and DUDE! It's the shizznit. ( I can't actually get away with saying that out loud, it just doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth. ) Anyways, so there I was with this incredibly messed up tummy ache and then I find out what he meant was "Hey, I sold my cars and went to go get the new one."
Which is why he didn't answer the phone, he was out buying a car.
So I was like "Ok, well, let me find some Tums and stuff, and I'll be ready to go in a bit."
We carved pumpkins. My hands smelled like pumpkin all day and all Sunday. They actually looked really cool because he had this pumpkin carving kit, otherwise mine would have looked retarded or something. We went to the mall to get some other decorations and stuff.
Then he cut these plywood tombstones and we painted them, they looked so cool.
OMG, he was all cutting wood with a power tool right in front of me.
Wood, power tools, saw dust, man... Drool.
Then after all of that we started watching Hudson Hawk with Bruce Willis. I haven't seen that movie in a long long time, had even forgotten what it was about at first. We ended up falling asleep before it was over though.
My back was killing me when I woke up. It hurt so much, but at least it was just the sharp scattered pains that mean I slept on an uncomfortable surface, and not the other kind of pain that means I'm in for a real treat every morning for the next few months.
Hmm...I really don't want to end on a sour note. The whole weekend was just so great.
I mean, he's so sweet.
He's so cute.
He's so...

I almost went out to the bar with Angie

So, I figured I would be at home all night. I thought that it wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to go ahead and eat hotdogs and sauerkraut. That stuff just totally destroys my stomach

We carved pumpkins. My hands smelled like pumpkin all day and all Sunday. They actually looked really cool because he had this pumpkin carving kit, otherwise mine would have looked retarded or something. We went to the mall to get some other decorations and stuff.

OMG, he was all cutting wood with a power tool right in front of me.

Then after all of that we started watching Hudson Hawk with Bruce Willis. I haven't seen that movie in a long long time, had even forgotten what it was about at first. We ended up falling asleep before it was over though.
My back was killing me when I woke up. It hurt so much, but at least it was just the sharp scattered pains that mean I slept on an uncomfortable surface, and not the other kind of pain that means I'm in for a real treat every morning for the next few months.
Hmm...I really don't want to end on a sour note. The whole weekend was just so great.
I mean, he's so sweet.

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