Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Complete Honesty On The Web

Ok, I know a lot of people who aren't completely honest online, and a few who out right lie about everything unless they are talking to someone they know. I for the most part believe in honesty in all parts of life. Of course Ya'll don't be needin to know all my business so I ain't bout to tell ya everything. :D I do exaggerate my emotional response to just about everything ( ya know- if I actually think to do that) and kind of make fun of some of my responses :) (Like a whole post full of "OMG" about a date)

What I wonder is - Is it wrong to go to forums devoted to psychic or paranormal phenomena and act like you believe the whole shebang? I don't disbelieve, I don't think I could completely fool anyone into believing I don't believe in ANYTHING supernatural, but some of the stuff I post about on those forums.. Well, it's just not quite what I believe. Like- there are always all these posts about "shadow people" or whatever, like shadowy figures hovering near the ceiling or standing somewhere in the room, and then they notice that you notice and they leave the room. Ok, that is most likely your eyes playing tricks on you, or you have something in your eye, or something equally mundane. I have however posted saying it's happened to me, and blah blah blah. I think it's fun to let myself believe for a minute or so that there are other beings around and all that. Thing is though, there are probably people out there who will read that and totally believe whatever is said. So should I not post stuff like that in the spirit of honesty?
I don't know. I can't seem to answer that question to my complete satisfaction. I don't feel guilty about it, I just can't help thinking about my mother when I post something that isn't completely true and implies something that would freak out some people. I can just see my mom on some web site about the paranormal and totally freaking out and like putting aluminum foil all over the place or something. Well.. not really :)... I can't see her surfing the web ;) and I guess I can't really see her breaking out the aluminum foil either, but you know what I mean...

I found a new paranormal/supernatural/mystic/etc. Forum site and I posted a little bit. I did not post my usual "Yeah I saw a blob too." response. I did however post a variation of my disembodied voice dream. I made very few actual statements in these posts. I mostly went with "What if...?" Because there are so many posts on those type of forums about hearing voices, and the people posting seem to want desperately to believe that they are experiencing a supernatural event, or they have some power, (some say they don't but why else go to that site and post in that forum?) and it's always ALWAYS that they recognize the voice, they know what's being said, they get some message this way, or something that would imply that they are hearing voices in a "not-quite-sane" way. Maybe they are sane, I don't know, but in everything I've ever read on hallucinations theirs seem to fit in with psychological problems. I am not in any way saying I know everything there is to know about paranormal or supernatural hallucinatory occurrences, I don't. Not even close, that's why I was looking them up on the web. (I love to surf :D ) I just want more info on that type of dream.
I have heard from a few forums that it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something, that it could be the universe or your guardian angel or your whatever trying to tell you something or guide you. I've heard that it could be mind reading, or picking up radio waves. Not one person that has answered the questions I have posted on those sites seem to have any references for what they say, or if they do- they send a link. I've been to the links that people post and don't see what they are talking about.
I get so tired of people reading some "impossible to understand-cyclical thinking- I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll use big words" sites, thinking they get it, and "Hey, since I get it I must be really smart cause dems some big ol' words." and then telling you to go there and what they think it means. You get to the site and the whole thing means nothing. Or the author of the site takes like 50 web pages to basically say "Air is good." I just love those sites that are supposed to be all spiritual and guide you to enlightenment and every other word is made up out of thin air. I've looked these words up in so many different places, guess what- they don't exist, not in English, not in any other Earth language. If you are talking to people in one language, you really should stick with that language unless you are prepared to provide a glossary or define (give the meaning of) the words you are using in parenthesis after the imaginary word.
I don't sit here and start typing in English and then in the middle of the sentence switch to Klingon now do I? I don't actually know Klingon, but it sounded cute.
I'm ranting, I know I am. I am tired and stuffy and just plain TIRED.
I can't sleep cause I keep sneezing and coughing and my head hurts and I feel icky :( I should go look for cough syrup or something as it's becoming increasingly apparent that this is not just some allergic reaction. I have taken allergy medications, they didn't work. Plus I don't cough this much and feel this achy over allergies. I really hope no one else gets this cold or flu or whatever. I hate sneezing, I sound so funny when I sneeze. It's all high pitched and people look at me funny. Same thing when I hiccup. It's not everytime or anything just most of the time. I always have to explain that "Yes, that was a hiccup. Yes I realize I only hiccuped once. That happens sometimes." it gets old fast, I am so glad when I only have to explain it once.
Ok, not only was I ranting but now I'm WAY off subject.
Ok, what was the subject again? I know it started with honesty, then paranormal stuff... What was my gist?
Ok, in keeping with the original "Honesty on the web" thing- I was told recently that reading my blog is like going through my medicine cabinet- it seems too personal.
No it's not.
Ok, it is, maybe. I just don't feel the need to hide this stuff though. Everyone I know knows this stuff, this is what I talk about. Ok, not everyone knows, but it's not a secret. I don't talk about all these things with everyone I know only because with some people the conversation always seems to fall into certain categories. I don't talk about dreams with my grandparents, I don't talk about dates with some other men, most people I know haven't seen my art work (mostly because they haven't been in my bedroom and they haven't visited my site, not hiding it- just not dragging everyone in here either), and I don't talk about everything on here either.
Not that I'm all trying to hide stuff or anything. It's just that some things actually ARE too personal. Also, some things come out sounding way too personal, reveal way too much, or tend to bash certain people. ( like the pic "Total Man Hate") I won't tell what happened to inspire that picture yet, because it would be a post about hate, it would be just to bash the guy, and I don't want to do that. (Yes I do, I totally want to bash him, I want to bash him, and smash his car, and kick him in the shins and....catch my drift?) SO, I wait. I wait until I can look at the situation clearly, subjectively, and honestly. For another example- I had to post "An Ex" ( http://anagrohm.blogspot.com/2004/10/ex.html#comments )in several parts. I tried once to make one long post and get it all out at once. That did not work. I left out key events, I kept calling him an ass, a jerk, etc. and basically it was mean and it was really bad writing. So, I post in sections. I only have to think about one particular time, or event, and don't get as caught up in the resentment I still feel about the last few months of the relationship and taint the entire story with comments about what happened later on. (Yes, I DO realize that I call him an ass anyway... but you should have seen my first draft :D )
Ok, sooo totally sorry- I don't know why I keep going on and on....
Oh yeah- felt sick all day and haven't really talked to anyone. Maybe now I hit my word quota for the day and can go to sleep. ;)


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