
I don't think I was quite done with the shading of this one.

Oh, I was trying out a new pseudonym. It's kind of a variation of my middle name. I don't think I'll continue to sign them as "Jayna" even though I think it's a cool name. It's too close to Jana's name. It'd be weird, or at least that's what Angie says. Everyone I asked likes when I sign them "HJB" anyway.

I don't really like this one that much, I drew it towards the end of the night after many drinks.

Whenever I'm drawing someone will come up, look over my shoulder and say "Who's that? Is that you? She's cute." Almost everytime. It's weird. Do they look like me or something?

Does this one look a little like that actress that was on "Married With Children", or is it just me?
Hey, do their necks look too small?
At 9:05 PM,
Me said…
Ok, I know they aren't really the greatest thing ever or anything. You must keep in mind that I have not really drawn anything other than this cartoon dog and the Wizard of Id ( only the wizard )in over ten years. Even when I drew all the time I only drew cartoons or copied other people's drawings. I didn't trace or anything, just had to have some picture right there to look off of. I couldn't draw anything from memory, I couldn't draw anything that wasn't already a pencil drawing, even my doodles sucked. That's why I quit. I tried and tried and always got ticked off at the picture. Now, I was pretty good at copying pencil drawings. I drew this one really awesome dragon egg hatching from The Dragon Lover's Guide To Pern (I think) everyone that saw it wanted it. I gave it away and then like a month later I was over at their house and saw it all crumpled and torn up. Why ask someone for something like that if you aren't going to care for it?
Ok, admittedly most of the girls I draw look incredibly familiar, I started with the elf ears cause I just KNOW I was looking at some site and there were a bunch of elf pictures by this one chick, and I think I inadvertantly copied her style.I just don't know where it was or who drew them. I thought I knew, then I went to her site and it wasn't her. I swear though I've seen some of my pics before. I didn't want to post them all since some of them I'm almost positive I copied...Still that's totally cool since I was never able to even come close to drawing something recognizable from memory. :)
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