Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Starving Artist

Ok, I went shopping again tonight. BAD MOVE. I only really bought a few things though. I bought a carton of cigarettes, spent 6 dollars at Wal-Mart and 20 at another store. Then I found out that I only had 43 dollars to begin with. :( OH NO! I over drew. This time it was my fault. I think. I don't remember spending that other 90 dollars though.... OH yeah... Ooops. Wait that was like weeks ago though... Hmmm... Got to find out where that went to.
Anyways, so now I can't afford to feed myself this month. I have to actually eat canned food and cook :( I don't wanna cook. I don't have the cool ingredients, it won't be fun. :( I guess I could try to make cool things though. I'm kind of ticked off that one of my recipes was stolen and sent out to everyone through newspaper coupon ads. I created this awesome recipe. You take refried beans or Spanish rice, cover the bottom of a casserole dish with it, layer burritos on top of that, then enchilada sauce or picante sauce, then smother the whole thing in cheese and bake it. It's awesome. Then one day a couple of months ago my grandma cuts out this recipe for MY BURRITO MEAL from the coupon section of the Sunday paper, thinking it sounded like something I would like. WHAT!?!?! That's not right, not right at all. :( Oh well, no biggie, I guess. (There has probably been a recipe like that around for like centuries or something, but still, it was mine...)
Anyways, I have to really scrimp this month and next, and the next one. Christmas is coming up, got to save up some money.
I don't think I'll make it. :( I need to stop pampering myself. I don't need bubble bath. I don't need new socks. :( If I run out of a paint color, I can just work with what I have. :(( I don't need fast food. I don't even like fast food. I don't need a coat. (Brrrrrrr) (J/K)
I need to sell some paintings. :( I can't though. No one wants them. Or they do want them but they want me to give them away. GIVE THEM AWAY??? Nuh uh!
I guess I could like maybe pawn something. I haven't pawned anything in a really long time. Even then I was only pawning those movies because I didn't like them and no one else wanted them. I could pawn... Um.. a toaster oven and my grill. I don't even have my own kitchen right now, it's not like I need them. I don't like pawning things though. I always feel like a dork. Standing there while some clerk examines my belongings assessing their value to HIM, which never compares to their value to ME. Being all like "Please give me money for my junk." Wish I knew where I could sell my trading cards. I have this small collection of X-Men cards, I don't even look at them anymore. They are just sitting there in their little plastic cases doing nothing for me. I wonder if I should find out more about E-Bay.
Another thing. I checked my balance online when I got home. It says I have like 35 dollars more than the ATM says. It says something like "available balance" and that matches the ATM. Why can't I use all of my money? That's just not fair.
I can't go out for the rest of the month. :(( Noooooooo!!!!!
I really do need to try harder to sell some paintings.


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