Hmm.. Yawn
Ok, um... Wed. Night I went to the bar. Angie dropped me off, and then went to spend some time with her friend. I stayed there with Christy and some other people. I kept trying to draw so that I wouldn't get too drunk or anything, it was ladies' night... Anyways, so after ladies' night was over there, we went to the next one that was having ladies' night. It was ok, I entered (and-duh- lost) the dance contest, thought it would be fun, and it was. Then... Um.... I don't know. I think they closed, and we left, Jana took me home in Christy's car. We had a little accident. Everyone is fine, but the license plate has seen better days.
Thurs. I went shopping with Angie and Missy. Got a great deal on canvas, got them home and found out just how cheaply made they were. :( I also got a USB cable for my cam, and found out it doesn't work right. :(
Friday- Hmmm... Friday :) I went on a date, kind of. It was cool. Then I went to Tonya's place and spent the night. Everything was cool. I was drawing again since I really hadn't had time to paint all week. And then this guy shows up. :(
Now, this guy drives me nuts sometimes. I've talked about him before, ( ) and I hope what I'm about to say will show WHY he annoys me. Ok, so we are all sitting there, chillin out and talking about whatever, and he knocks on the door. Someone let him in, (why? I don't know.) he comes in and starts talking shit. He starts looking over my shoulder at what I'm drawing. Then I was talking to Tonya or John about how I mostly just draw for the heck of it and then when I do one I like a lot I try to do it on canvas. He all butts in and starts saying that I shouldn't even think about painting on canvas if I can't even draw on paper. WTF? Like I was even talking to him. Who invited him to our conversation? HUH? HUH? No one. Then Tonya and John like stop what they are doing and their mouths like drop open cause they have actually seen my work, and not the awful web cam pics I post here, but up close in decent light. So I was like "Cool", but I said something like " Um, I just now started drawing, it's only been like 2 or 3 days. I have been painting for quite some time now, and I don't need to draw to do that." Then he all starts asking me if I paint on a regular basis and all this. So, I said "Yeah, pretty much a regular basis kind of thing..." (like it's even his business ) And then he's all "Pretty much, so not really a regular basis? " He was totally ticking me off, so finally I told him to shut the "f" up. Then (OMG) he starts acting like I never told him to shut up before. Acting like I never copped an attitude with him. Whatever. Then I was like "Hey, you should see me around Angie.." Then he's all like "What, did you finally grow a pair?" I so had this come back and everything, but most of the time I just think it's not even worth it, because if I had said what I almost said, it would have provoked this big conversation, and I didn't want that. So I just said "Yeah." (like 'yeah, sure whatever' ) He said "Took you long enough." and then starts saying that he has known me for so long and that he probably knows more about me than anyone else and all this BS. I would kind of like to know what he THINKS he knows about me, but like I said, didn't want to start some long conversation with him. So I basically let it go. Then he kept saying "Retrospect" and using it completely wrong. He used it instead of "in respect to " . "In retrospect" Means in looking BACK... That was just soooo annoying! That is one way he irks me, he uses words he doesn't actually know. Another thing he does is mumble. He will mumble something and expect you to respond to what he just said. ANNUNCIATE! I mean really. Then he's all saying that he tries to annoy me everytime he sees me. So I must really tick him off, seriously I don't often get annoyed with him, I just ignore him, or try to annoy him. When I really try, I do get him pretty riled up about stupid stuff. He claims that he doesn't get annoyed by me, he just finds it boring. Whatever. I don't even think so. Then he stole the couch right out from under me. I was there first. I swear he totally was irking me that night. (OK, seriously, I do sometimes find him annoying, but I don't dislike him or anything, just trying to let you know how annoyed I was. :D ) So, then I'm telling Angie about it last night, and she's all like "So...When are you two getting married??" Whatever. I mean she could say the same thing about Shawn.
Anyways, so we hung out and talked and played PS2.
Then last night, Saturday, I went out with Angie, I didn't know until like an hour or so before we left that we were going out. I hurried and got ready, we went out to the bar, had some drinks, had some fun, some skinny guy kept trying to dance with me, then the same skinny guy was trying to touch my butt... UM NO! He was being all smooth about it, but still, I don't think so! Wes and I joked around some. Then they closed and we left. It really wasn't that much fun. We went to this other bar for like five minutes, but Christy started falling asleep, so we went back to her place, I'm surprised she didn't fall asleep at the wheel. I didn't get home until like 8 am. I don't want to go out again for awhile. I'm tired of this. I don't know how long I can't take going out almost every night, even if it isn't to a bar or anything... I just want to paint for awhile. No interruptions. But, then again, I will probably get over that in a couple of days.
Ok, I have painted a lot this week. I really want to post them. I can't post them though because I need to set up my web cam, and also need to get a photoshop thing so I can use my scanner and show off my drawings :D
Hmmm.. There might be more later, but that's all I can think of right now.
Thurs. I went shopping with Angie and Missy. Got a great deal on canvas, got them home and found out just how cheaply made they were. :( I also got a USB cable for my cam, and found out it doesn't work right. :(
Friday- Hmmm... Friday :) I went on a date, kind of. It was cool. Then I went to Tonya's place and spent the night. Everything was cool. I was drawing again since I really hadn't had time to paint all week. And then this guy shows up. :(
Now, this guy drives me nuts sometimes. I've talked about him before, ( ) and I hope what I'm about to say will show WHY he annoys me. Ok, so we are all sitting there, chillin out and talking about whatever, and he knocks on the door. Someone let him in, (why? I don't know.) he comes in and starts talking shit. He starts looking over my shoulder at what I'm drawing. Then I was talking to Tonya or John about how I mostly just draw for the heck of it and then when I do one I like a lot I try to do it on canvas. He all butts in and starts saying that I shouldn't even think about painting on canvas if I can't even draw on paper. WTF? Like I was even talking to him. Who invited him to our conversation? HUH? HUH? No one. Then Tonya and John like stop what they are doing and their mouths like drop open cause they have actually seen my work, and not the awful web cam pics I post here, but up close in decent light. So I was like "Cool", but I said something like " Um, I just now started drawing, it's only been like 2 or 3 days. I have been painting for quite some time now, and I don't need to draw to do that." Then he all starts asking me if I paint on a regular basis and all this. So, I said "Yeah, pretty much a regular basis kind of thing..." (like it's even his business ) And then he's all "Pretty much, so not really a regular basis? " He was totally ticking me off, so finally I told him to shut the "f" up. Then (OMG) he starts acting like I never told him to shut up before. Acting like I never copped an attitude with him. Whatever. Then I was like "Hey, you should see me around Angie.." Then he's all like "What, did you finally grow a pair?" I so had this come back and everything, but most of the time I just think it's not even worth it, because if I had said what I almost said, it would have provoked this big conversation, and I didn't want that. So I just said "Yeah." (like 'yeah, sure whatever' ) He said "Took you long enough." and then starts saying that he has known me for so long and that he probably knows more about me than anyone else and all this BS. I would kind of like to know what he THINKS he knows about me, but like I said, didn't want to start some long conversation with him. So I basically let it go. Then he kept saying "Retrospect" and using it completely wrong. He used it instead of "in respect to " . "In retrospect" Means in looking BACK... That was just soooo annoying! That is one way he irks me, he uses words he doesn't actually know. Another thing he does is mumble. He will mumble something and expect you to respond to what he just said. ANNUNCIATE! I mean really. Then he's all saying that he tries to annoy me everytime he sees me. So I must really tick him off, seriously I don't often get annoyed with him, I just ignore him, or try to annoy him. When I really try, I do get him pretty riled up about stupid stuff. He claims that he doesn't get annoyed by me, he just finds it boring. Whatever. I don't even think so. Then he stole the couch right out from under me. I was there first. I swear he totally was irking me that night. (OK, seriously, I do sometimes find him annoying, but I don't dislike him or anything, just trying to let you know how annoyed I was. :D ) So, then I'm telling Angie about it last night, and she's all like "So...When are you two getting married??" Whatever. I mean she could say the same thing about Shawn.
Anyways, so we hung out and talked and played PS2.
Then last night, Saturday, I went out with Angie, I didn't know until like an hour or so before we left that we were going out. I hurried and got ready, we went out to the bar, had some drinks, had some fun, some skinny guy kept trying to dance with me, then the same skinny guy was trying to touch my butt... UM NO! He was being all smooth about it, but still, I don't think so! Wes and I joked around some. Then they closed and we left. It really wasn't that much fun. We went to this other bar for like five minutes, but Christy started falling asleep, so we went back to her place, I'm surprised she didn't fall asleep at the wheel. I didn't get home until like 8 am. I don't want to go out again for awhile. I'm tired of this. I don't know how long I can't take going out almost every night, even if it isn't to a bar or anything... I just want to paint for awhile. No interruptions. But, then again, I will probably get over that in a couple of days.
Ok, I have painted a lot this week. I really want to post them. I can't post them though because I need to set up my web cam, and also need to get a photoshop thing so I can use my scanner and show off my drawings :D
Hmmm.. There might be more later, but that's all I can think of right now.
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