Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Ink Blot Test, etc.

Heather, your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

You are full of questions about life, people, and your own potential. You spend more time than others imagining the possibilities for your life — and you're open to things others are too afraid to consider.You have an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself and the world. You also have a rebellious streak that shows up when you feel unable to truly influence the world or circumstances around you. Your appetite for novel experiences also shows an openness others don't have, but wish they did. Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

Heather, your true talent is spatial ability

Your ability to visualize objects in three-dimensional space gives you a unique view of the world. Because of this talent, you are much better than most people at imagining new designs including floor plans, page layouts, and three dimensional objects.How do we know that's your true talent? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question and rated your skills in 5 areas. You scored highest on spatial ability.People like you are usually great when it comes to putting together assemble-it-yourself furniture or other household items — whether the items arrive with instructions or not. Your spatial skills also help you understand the finer points of how things work.And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results. You also have other hidden talents that can have a dramatic effect on your career, your life and how other people see you.

Heather, the Right Job for you will allow you to be:
Creative and Analytical

You're a visionary in many people's eyes — able to think outside of the box to come up with your own solutions. You're creative not necessarily in the artistic sense, but because you can expand your mind to do things differently from others.It might take a while for colleagues to recognize and reward for your entrepreneurial spirit and abilities. That could be because they envy you, or because they find your ideas slightly rebellious — willing to go against the current. All in all, you make it hard for people to pigeon hole you. That is why you, more than others, need a job that allows you to play to your strengths, break out of the mold, and truly excel.

Heather, Sweet Gestures tickle you pink

Hand-written love letters stuffed into your purse. Giving up a seat on the bus to a pregnant woman. You love the little things in life — and you know that they can make all the difference. Whether you're giving, receiving, or just watching from afar, nothing brightens up your day like a token of affection or seeing people treat each other with kindness.Thoughtful and caring, you often put the needs of others above your own. That's why friends and family trust you, your goals, and advice — they know that you always have the best of intentions at heart. It's simple really, making other people happy makes you happy. What could be better than that?
Cute Guys
Admit it — you're a flirt at heart. And you don't mind putting yourself out there to get a guy's attention. Making people feel interesting and at ease is just second nature for a smooth operator like you. Which helps explain why nothing makes you happier than that feeling of falling in love, being in love, or staying in love.Did anyone ever call you boy-crazy? Looks like they were right on the money. You're always on the lookout for a smile or wink from the right guy — whether he's a long-term love or a cute new crush. And we know you'll wink back.
Good Friends
Whether you're all laughing hysterically or just hanging out, nothing puts a smile on your face like spending time with friends. You're a social creature who loves the company of others — old friends, new co-workers, or even the guy who works at the corner coffee shop.You get a kick out of other people, and keeping in touch with family and friends is a top priority. And that's just fine by them. You've got an outgoing personality that makes any gathering more entertaining — whether you're inviting new friends to a book club or primping for a night out with the girls. Have fun!
Great Adventures
Try anything once is your motto — and that covers everything from exotic foods to fashion trends. Sure, you've got a wild side that might make you want to do crazy things like climb mountains or dance around the house in your pajamas. But that's what makes you so much fun.Your sense of adventure makes you a little unpredictable, but you can also be the go-to gal when people need a break from the ordinary. You make everything special. Always on the lookout for the next best thing, you're even happier if you're the first to try it. Keep it up, wild thing.

Heather, in your soap opera scenario, you're The Wise Benefactor

What soap opera doesn't have the all-powerful, head of the family who's been on-air since the pilot episode? Sure, The Wise Benefactor has probably come back from comas, near fatal accidents, abductions, mysterious illnesses, botched murders, and multiple corporate takeovers. But they're the heart of the show with their integrity, sense of right and wrong, and ability to magically make things happen around the town.Like The Wise Benefactor, you're a true original who can't be replaced — which is why you're sure to be around for a long time. There's just no substitute for your wise and powerful personality. And people can't help but to ask for your advice when times are tough. That's because they know you'll tell it like it is.Always a warm soul, though sometimes you do exhibit some cold ambition, you keep your family together and are probably also the center for lots of happenings. The town wouldn't be the same without you, so keep doling out the advice, giving folks a hand-up when they need it, and putting people in their place when the time is right. If it weren't for you, who would keep the family, much less the town, afloat?
Read about the other soap opera scenarios
The Double-Crosser
The Double-Crosser's that wily character who works their way into everyone's lives, good graces, and beds. That's because on the surface, they're so appealing that many people can't even see the Double-Crosser's secret agenda.While you might not share all those traits with The Double-Crosser, there's no denying you're a genial type who makes a good first impression and has no trouble making friends. People like to be around your good-natured, good-humored personality. Whether you've got your own agenda, or someone else's in your sights, is anyone's guess.You and The Double-Crosser are probably playing for different sides of good and evil (we hope!). Should we ever find out otherwise, we suspect you'll already be long gone, sipping fruity drinks on a tropical beach while Interpol desperately searches for your trail. Unless of course you went for plastic surgery and have already inserted yourself into a new city. Who says the good guy always wins?
The Evil Twin
No matter what form The Evil Twin takes, be it the alter ego of the town sweetheart, a jilted lover, corporate raider, or one of many multiple personalities, they play an integral part in any soap — driving the plotline and keeping things interesting. Sure, they might be a backstabber who's out for their own good. But they're just so darn good at it; they're irresistible.Okay, so maybe you're not quite evil-to-the-core. It's more that you're probably driven — although you sometimes might fall prey to that internal struggle between good and bad. It's not like you wanted to buy that Gucci bag on your husband's card and blame it on his secretary... and who can prove that the dog didn't eat that last piece of chocolate cake? It's just that like most Evil Twins, you know what you want — and you like to get it.It takes work to reach your goals in life. If that means taking control of the family fortune by locking your sister in an abandoned lighthouse, or seeing to it that the Board votes you in as CEO because your father has mysteriously disappeared (he's locked in the lighthouse with your sister), you're on it. How can we blame such raw ambition and willpower that gets the job done? So keep at it. Just try to use your Evil Twin powers for good, okay?
The New Girl in Town
While the rest of the town is swapping lovers, backstabbing friends, and selling family out, The New Girl in Town is one of the few characters with any real heart — or integrity. Somehow The New Girl makes it through all the episodes untarnished, with her sterling reputation and optimism intact.While you may not have just fallen off the turnip truck like The New Girl in Town, you probably share a certain sunny disposition with her, looking on the bright side of things, and giving people the benefit of the doubt. And because of your outlook, people are probably irresistibly attracted to you.If your half-stepbrother were accused of stealing a secret formula, you'd probably be first to run to his defense — trying to uncover clues that point to the true culprit. When they free him on all charges and arrest the right man, people probably won't even start nasty rumors about the coincidence that you started dating the Chief of Police around the same time that your bro was first arrested.So enjoy your popularity as The New Girl in Town. Just watch your back for those folks who don't have such kind intentions or you might find yourself careening off a cliff or getting framed for someone else's transgressions. That's the only way anyone could get a New Girl in Town like you down.
The Person in a Coma
Whether it's brought on by a club to the head, strange brain virus, or freak ski accident, every soap character seems to fall into, and out of, a coma at some point.While you may not spend most of your time in a vegetative state (or do you?), you're like The Person in a Coma because you're a true fighter. Or a true schemer — "playing dead" by kicking back in that comfy bed while others wring their hands, forgive your sins and debts, and take care of business for you. Really it's ingenious.But whether you're faking it, or really are in a coma, there's no question: you don't give up easily. If your hubby marries another women while you're a fixture in the ICU, you'll come to with a plan to get him back. Or to marry his younger more successful brother. Or the town millionaire for that matter. You rise to the occasion whatever the obstacle, and secretly might even challenge people to bring it on. Ultimately, you can handle anything life throws your way. So while you're in that hospital bed, better rest up. Never know when you'll have to surprise everyone again — waking up with your fighting spirit, and better than ever!
(Nope, don't watch soaps. Just had to do one more silly quiz. ) :D


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