Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What is wrong with me?

I swear there must be something wrong with me. Everything is good. Life is great, I'm happy. But I'm not happy. I'm not in a good mood. I'm bored when I go out to the bar. I'm tired of guys hitting on me without provocation. I am tired of going out to drink. There is nothing to do there except drink. I mean, Yeah, I want to hang out with Angie, and it is fun to a point, but it's mostly the same stuff over and over. I don't want to meet any guys out there. I mean yeah if they are cute it's fun to flirt and all but...
I'm also annoyed with my paintings, half of them are just crap. I swear they are. I don't care what anyone else says. I think I need a new technique.
Time is just flying, I could have sworn that I just checked these books out from the library like a week ago, my mom called to tell me they were due today. (I couldn't find my card so she checked them out for me...)
I keep forgetting to pay my bills :( They aren't over 20 dollars altogether, so it isn't the money- just keep forgetting. I called my dad the other day, because I saw a note saying that he called. He hasn't called in like 3 weeks. The note was 3 weeks old. I am so behind on everything.
I need to take one whole day, clean up this mess, pay my bills and just get stuff straightened out. Then take like 3 whole days all to myself for painting and TV watching. I have watched TV only a few hours in the past 3 months. I don't really condone over usage of television, but it is relaxing and, so long as it is used in moderation, has many benefits. Last time I watched TV for hours I felt so great. It's weird, I was all relaxed, getting into some awful b-movies and I didn't have to lift a finger except to change the channel. I didn't have to type or think or spell or anything. It was great, plus I was in a recliner, so I was really really comfy. OMGosh I can't believe what I'm typing- it's like an ad for TV watching or something. It's just not right, TV BAD. Computer GOOOOOOOOD.
Also, I keep forgetting to take my pain pills :( How can I forget when I'm hurting? I don't know. My fingers feel stiff and puffy, my knees are killing me, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, and if I don't watch it I won't be using the right one for awhile. I would normally go on my diet, it's an anti-carb thing, specifically for fibromyalgia, but I think it screwed me up already. I've been having some minor problems that started after I was on it for awhile. It does help a lot though, my joints always feel a lot better when I'm on it, just my heart doesn't, plus there's that funky taste. :(
I must really be in a crappy mood to be telling everyone about this, but hey- Most of the people that read this are friends and if you don't know this stuff already you will if we hang out anytime soon.


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