The Casino
Angie and I went out to a casino tonight, we haven't been in months and months, it was kind of cool. We got there and I sat down at this one machine and I won like double what I had put into it. I won like every other time I played it, and it kept doing this really cool thing where it paid me twice, but we had just arrived and you don't just leave after five minutes- that'd be wrong. Then we went around to other machines... (Yeah slot machines are stupid, but hey I don't want to play blackjack with just 20 bucks) So, yeah I left with like 75 cents. :( It was fun though, and the long drive there and back gave us time to talk about stuff.
Angie is so funny, she was saying something about metrosexuals and accidentally said retrosexuals :) and I was like "Metrosexuals?" and she was like "Yeah, I just can't talk right now. I have drain bramage."
She was also complaining about some guy talking about how she was flirting with this guy at work and the guy said "So when are you two getting married?" and it ticked her off... But she can say that about me and that one guy??? Whatever.
She also told me about a dream she had, which is weird cause she never remembers her dreams, but the really weird thing was that I had a dream similar to it a while back. I don't remember much about the dream except that some friends and I were driving on this highway, all in different cars, and there was this long long off ramp thing that connected to another highway. I also told her about a dream I had, I am pretty sure I didn't post it here. It was a very strange dream, another headache dream from last year....
Angie is so funny, she was saying something about metrosexuals and accidentally said retrosexuals :) and I was like "Metrosexuals?" and she was like "Yeah, I just can't talk right now. I have drain bramage."
She was also complaining about some guy talking about how she was flirting with this guy at work and the guy said "So when are you two getting married?" and it ticked her off... But she can say that about me and that one guy??? Whatever.
She also told me about a dream she had, which is weird cause she never remembers her dreams, but the really weird thing was that I had a dream similar to it a while back. I don't remember much about the dream except that some friends and I were driving on this highway, all in different cars, and there was this long long off ramp thing that connected to another highway. I also told her about a dream I had, I am pretty sure I didn't post it here. It was a very strange dream, another headache dream from last year....
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