Why I Am Annoying

I toss and turn all night long. I have trouble sleeping most of the time so either I'm all over the bed or I keep getting up and going back to bed all night long

I walk around while brushing my teeth. I hate brushing my teeth at other people's houses because it's just weird to be walking all around someone else's place with a toothbrush in my mouth.
I sing

I fidget, I don't know why anyone would care that I fidget, but Dan (guy I dated years and years ago) kept stopping me. Every single time I would even just start to do something fidgety he would make me stop. He drove me nuts.

I say I will do something and then procrastinate about it. I never said it would be done by a certain time, I figure I have all the time in the world, besides, I don't feel like doing it right away. I'm supposed to be sewing a dress, a skirt, a zipper onto a coat, and a quilt right now. I'm also supposed to be filling out the bank thing so I get my money back.

I am messy. I can not contain the clutter. I really don't have much room for all my stuff right now, but even when I had an entire apartment to myself there was clutter everywhere. I try and try to organize...oh well.
I leave the closed captioning on the TV constantly. I don't like having to turn the volume up all the way and I can't understand what's being said when they whisper and/or mumble. I kind of wish people came with closed captioning, it'd be a lot easier to understand what they're saying.
I don't wait for the bath to drain just so I can clean out the drain thingie. Chill, I will clean it out later. If it bothers you so much, clean it out yourself.

I look at people funny when I don't quite catch what they say and some people think I'm looking at them like they're stupid. That's on you, if you're all pissy cause you think someone thinks yer stupid, then you must think it's true. Get some ...ummm... (confidence?) ... and stop gettin' all pissy with me.

My taste in music...

I wear headphones around the house. I have these cordless headphones that I wear all over the house. I've been told I look like a dork wearing them. I don't care though,

Hmmm... What else do I do? Well, there's the PMS, but that doesn't count. Then there's the way I act when I'm sick or feeling icky in some way. I get all needy and whiney and stuff

I am allergic to things. I know this sounds dingy, "Why would anyone be annoyed at an allergy?" Well, I can't eat corn, I can't eat corn products, and everyone eats corn. Soda pop has corn syrup. Vegetable soup has corn. The movie theaters reek of popcorn. I can't use certain soaps or shampoo, etc. because of the perfumes and dyes in them, so if I'm going to shower at someone else's house I HAVE to bring my own stuff. I know it's weird to take your own soap to someone else's house but I don't want to be itching all day. Also I get kinda annoyed when other people do me the favor of washing my laundry

Ok, um... what else?
I never make my bed.
If I'm in the middle of a project that requires a lot of paraphenalia and then I leave the house or go to bed, I leave the stuff out (usually in the living room) because I intend to go back to it the next time I'm in there. I'm not making the place all dirty or anything, it just looks lived in. I think that people that come over will be able to understand someone is in the middle of something and that is why there is stuff all over the place. I get bitched at for having stacks of quilt squares all over the living room

I've been really bad recently though- I have been leaving my mail in the living room

I think that's about all there is. I mean there may possibly be something else...
Naw, other than that- I'm perfect.

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