OK, I was at Angie's house helping her move all last night and all today. Yes, I'm still sick,

BUT she needed my help and I just couldn't so "No". I was so tired when we got done that all I did was clean out the bath tub, take a shower and go to sleep.
I was so tired because the bank called me back at 9:30 AM to tell me that Wal-Mart said the purchase was correct. That I did spend the money there and I did get my merchandise

. That woke me up real quick. I think I had like 4 hours of sleep. I tried to go back to sleep, but all I could think about was how ticked I was and that I had to call Wal-Mart now and bitch them out

. Actually she said that I would have to go to Wal-Mart and take the bank letter with me, and have them look it up in their system. SO, I was thinking I had to go there.
I got out of bed like 10 minutes later. I told Angie what was going on (she answered the phone so she was wondering), go something to eat and drink (habit), and realized I could probably just call them (duh). I looked up the number and Angie realized I was about to call them and thought it would be a better idea if she called. I guess she didn't want to hear me bitchin' that early in the morning. Now, I know that I sound really mean when I'm about to call some place and complain. I know I say stuff like "I'm gonna be all 'You best be givin me back my money right fuqin now ya bastard.'" but it's not like I'd actually say that. It's not like the person I'd be talking to had anything personally to do with me not having my money, so I wouldn't really use that kind of language, plus I wouldn't start out with that kind of attitude. That's why I take so long looking up numbers, got to have a few minutes to calm down and think about what I'm going to say- or at least up to a point. So, I don't see why she was all "I should call them since I'm not all upset about it and won't be all mean."

BUT, then again she was quite a bit nicer than I would have been. Ok, as I was typing this, I called Wal-Mart back and gave them my ATM number so they could look it up. After a few minutes they called me back. They show that the amount I was TRYING to spend there was way less than half of what I was charged, AND that the transaction was voided, canceled, ended, caputed, finitoed... That I should never have been charged for it, and they have NO idea how my bank can sit there and say that they said that it went through. Now I have to call the bank AGAIN.
I had to clean the bathtub because we were having a little problem with our drains and the seal was broken under the toilet. My grandpa fixed it all, I helped him replace the seal, and he somehow got the wax all over the bathroom. The tub was the worst. All this yucky sticky wax all over the place. I begged my mom to either clean it out or ask my grandma to clean it out before I got back from Angie's because I knew I would be tired and sweaty and dirty... I knew she wouldn't do it, and I really didn't want my grandma to go in there and have to bend over to clean that out, so I wasn't really expecting for it to be all clean when I got home. I had a date though and was really really hoping someone would take pity on me, especially since I was helping Angie move all that stuff and clean and everything, and my mom wasn't helping at all even though an awful lot of the stuff left over there was hers.
Anyways, I went to sleep right after I took my shower. The guy I had a date with was supposed to meet me online before coming over, since I wasn't sure how long I would be at Angie's house. I logged on and left my stereo on kind of loud so I could hear when he sent me a message. Angie was on my computer checking her email and stuff right before I went to sleep. I kept hearing the sound I have set to tell me someone logged on and the sound to tell me I had a message. Everytime I heard it I was like "Who is it?"

but it was always this other guy.

Then I fell asleep completely. I had this funky dream (I'll tell you about it later), and I kept hearing that sound "Message for you sir." (Monty Python

) but I was so tired and stuff that it took me awhile to get that I wasn't dreaming it.

I finally dragged myself out of bed and over to the computer. He had sent me like 15 messages

. It said he wasn't online anymore

. He had said something really sweet too. I sent him a message. He sent me one back!

He was online!

It was kind of late, but not VERY late, so we decided to go out anyway.
He gave me a Beanie Baby bat.

Then he was like " I really like you."

and I was like "I really like you." and then he was like "You're so beautiful." and then I was like "

" and then it was like "

" .
Now I really do have to tell everyone else "

I'm happy.