Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Ok, I just deleted a post.
I feel kinda bad about it but apparently it was giving off the wrong impression.
I would like to reiterate here that an awful lot of posts I make are exaggerated. Not all of them of course, just alot of them.
I guess one of the main purposes of my blog is for me to blow off steam and not let little things become big problems. For instance- quite awhile back I was upset at my friend "Christy", I didn't want to to let some small little problem with her blow up into a big problem where we never never talk again and since she doesn't know about my blog I thought it would be the perfect place to bitch. I let it all out, I even added to it, I bitched about it and then let it go. It happened again though so there are a few "Christy is a bitch" posts. I don't think "Christy" is a bitch. I like "Christy" otherwise I wouldn't call her my friend. To put this a little more clearly- I doubt there is anyone out there in the world today who never ever thought "My mom is such a bitch!" "I can't stand my friend 'Jane' !" or "That guy is such a prick!" and then got over whatever it was in like 5 minutes or maybe a day. Just because it's left on the blog doesn't mean I continue to feel that way, it doesn't even mean I felt exactly the way I described to begin with.


  • At 3:35 AM, Blogger Sanish Ramankutty said…

    oh jeasus.....

  • At 3:30 AM, Blogger Me said…

    That comment could be taken several ways.... ??

  • At 3:43 AM, Blogger Me said…

    The comments I personally recieved about the post I deleted were.. Umm.. Well, apparently it made it seem as if I was desperate and needed some kind of sexual release and the sooner the better and all this other stuff. Like I'm completely sexually frustrated or something.
    I just don't feel that way.
    I was frustrated about the situation in that I know it's unhealthy to want to be with someone that obviously doesn't want to be with me. He has a girlfriend, he likes his gf, he wants to be with her. Regardless of how he acts around me, he doesn't actually want to be with me so it's pointless to go after him. The frustrating thing is I like him as a friend too and we can't really be friends with this sexual tension between us unless we learn to get over it.
    We haven't been talking. I think we have talked a total of 30 minutes in the past couple of weeks.
    I think I need more female friends. Way less likely to end up in bed with a friend if they are all female. :)


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