Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Friday, September 10, 2004

Sister In Law

I was married, he went out of town. His sister was keeping an eye on me, making sure I didn't do anything, I wasn't going to do anything. She suggested we get drunk or something, I didn't think we should, I didn't think he would like that, but she talked me into it. We had spaghetti. I had never really drank or done anything like that before. I think there was some drug involved because I can't remember much of what happened, it is very disjointed and not like a drunken haze, or like I was high from pot, more like something I can't describe. We were watching a movie, she kept asking me questions, I gave odd responses - I wouldn't have even thought those things if I had not been in that state. I think she asked me questions, like "would you ever do this?" and at first I was like "no" then after awhile I started saying I would, because she didn't seem to like it when I said no. Then she or someone asked me who I thought was cute, I didn't want to make anyone feel bad but I only thought my husband was cute and had never thought of anyone else in that way. I said as much at first but they kept pushing, finally I named off a bunch of people. At one point she said if that's they way you are you aren't good enough for my brother, get out of here, you don't live here, you belong there. I wanted to wait for him to come back, he would help me, he would make everything better. I couldn't go back into the house though and it was cold and raining and I didn't have anywhere to go, his brother came up to me and he was all sympathetic and said he had a friend that I could call and I could stay with him until my husband got back. We called the guy after awhile, I didn't really want to call him, I wanted to see if I could stay with his parents but he said his parents were really mad at me, and everyone in the area was mad at me so I had to go away.


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