There was a house, a large house, a large family lived there. Their children were living dead- they were alive but lifeless, they went through their lives barely moving, no spirit what-so-ever. They were said to actually be lacking a soul. A medium was brought in by one of the parents to sneak demons or displaced spirits into the children. This was risky because they would have to get by the security checks and convince the father that nothing was going on, plus they had to bring in more spirits than they really needed and the adults in the room would have to wrestle with which ever demons happened to choose them to possess. A boy was used as the carrier, he had done this before and knew how to behave. They sat down in the dining room and started their seance. Within minutes the demons came out of the boy and there were too many demons for the amount of people. There were 13 people including the boy, and there were 13 demons, but the boy had inadvertently made a sign and blocked the 13th from getting back into him, and it had nowhere to go but into the "soulless" boy along with another demon. The soulless girl was fine, but the boy with two demons in him became infected by evil, there were two opposite aligned entities in him and they fought for control over him. One was female, and the other male, and the boy would have been fine if they could just remove one of them. They were upset at the boy-medium, but he couldn't help it- it was a reflex. I was floating above this all (in a way), being shown what happened, someone asked what could they do to reverse the process, I started thinking, I had almost formulated a theory as to the best course of action, when I woke up.
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