Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Sunday, September 05, 2004

What happened that night

Christy called me up sounding all sad , I guess she wasn't really sad- she just had a cold. She came and picked me up and we went out to the bar.
I started drinking margaritas, she ordered a pitcher of beer and a bottle of water. I had two margaritas, 2 0r 3 cranberry vodkas, and I lost track of the shots after 4. They had HOT SEX and SEX ON THE BEACH for one dollar- I bought a bunch for me and a bunch for Christy.
They had a DJ, I think he is cute, I think she knows this so she flirts with him all the time. She doesn't like him, I know this for a fact. She has told many people that she does not like him.
Anyways, she kept going up to the booth and flirting with him and requesting songs and going into the booth and trying to dance with him. Don't get me wrong- he probly asked her into the booth, he was not pushing her away or anything, but as far as I saw they did not kiss or really do anything, and the booth is right there, everything is visible.
I got quite drunk, so bad I started in on massaging scalps again, I even fell down a couple of times ( I had these chunky high heels on ). So, towards the end of the night Christy wanted me to go to the bathroom with her, on the way there we ran into the DJ (no, not literally), somehow we started talking about massage, and I said that noone ever does that for me. He thought that was just wrong, so he started to massage my back and shoulders. I was like "WOW", cause it was relaxing, then he kissed me. I was like "WOW"... Then he had to go back to the booth or something, so I went into the bathroom and asked Christy if she would mind if I flirted with him. She said she did mind and that I shouldn't flirt with him. I was like "DARN IT!", but I had every intention of respecting that, because it's not like I don't have prospects or anything, and I know how she gets.
We went back to the table and he came by the table while Christy was somewhere else, I don't remember what he said, but Christy's friends that were at the table raised an eyebrow. I was like "Man, that sux." One of them said "What?" So I told her what Christy said, then she said not to worry about what Christy said, she was just being a bitch and that she didn't even like him, and that if I did then I shouldn't listen to her at all. So I thought about that, but still intended to control myself so as not to have another fight about some guy.
It was getting even closer to the end of the night and Christy was constantly at the booth, totally leaving me with her friends that I don't even know. I went up there to try to get her back to the table, and to see what song was next. The DJ reached around outside the booth and started touching me, kind of secretly. I don't know what to think of this. I mean it was like he was hiding it from Christy or something which is weird, but it felt good and I was glad in a way that he did keep it under wraps.
Then I was standing there talking to him about a song or something and Christy had gone somewhere else. He asked me into the booth, I was like "Umm, ok." I started looking through his CDs to see what he did have because every time I requested something he said he didn't have it and that crowd wasn't ready for it. We kissed a couple of times while in the booth. That's where I fell down, and he kissed me again after I fell down. I felt like such a dork for falling :) BUT ANYways....Then he told me there were only a couple of songs left so I went back to the table and Christy was gone, so were her friends. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, so I waited a little while...The lights came up and she wasn't back, so I went and looked for her, she wasn't in the bathroom, and I couldn't find her truck anywhere- it's big and green and bright, I don't think I could have missed it. I went back inside and told the DJ that she had left me there, so he offered to take me home.


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