Coma Dream
They fell in love, they were closer than any two people had ever been. But she was scared, she cried, he read too much into it, and took drastic measures, and ended up in the hospital. He wanted to be someone else for her. She wanted to understand him and let him know that even though she was afraid and would always have some part of her past with her, that they would be ok if they were together and they trusted each other . He said that she couldn't understand unless she lived it. She talked to his doctor and agreed to go into a coma-like state with him to understand his world and for him to understand hers. He didn't think she could take it. He thought that if it got too dark she would stop, she said she would be there, she would follow him where ever he went, but if he went too far she might have to come back up for air, to ground herself, but that she would be back. He lay in the bed, she lay down next to him and held him and slowly drifted into his world.Something bad happened to her, something she couldn't handle, she became worse than him, and he did for her what she had done for him, he followed her down into the dark recesses of her mind to bring her out, bring her back, and show her that love still existed.She wanted to bring one of the songs out with her, so she went in one more time, she remembered she loved the songs she heard in the dream world and thought they were good enough for the real world, but when she came out of it and heard the tunes she had been singing she realized that the were not suitable for real life, but it didn't hit her until the next day. The songs that were sung in the dream world were true feelings, they were the deepest feelings from the people she helped, that's why they meant so much to her, but they didn't mean anything in the real world. She wanted to try anyway, she went under, she connected, she wanted to go deeper to get to the real root of it, and forgot to sing. They finally found a way to get messages to her while she was in the dream world, and told her to sing. She sang. She talked. She forgot the real world. When she came out of it she kept relapsing into the world she had created for herself to explain the memories she picked up from her "contacts". She would be fine until something or someone reminded her of the dream life. She lost herself so many times but there was a fail safe. If she didn't come out of it by a certain time she would be forced out of it. They tried to get her to realize herself before the fail safe kicked in so that she would not go into shock. She started picking up the clues, and figuring it out, but she didn't know if she could make the leap. Two of her patients had gotten under her skin too much, she felt trapped, but felt if there was someone to tell her that it was a possibility that she could make the leap and be alright.There was a game, she needed to stop playing in order to come up, but she thought it was just a game, and didn't believe that it could possibly be anything more than that and needed someone to shut it off from the other end.....hmmm....
I had several dreams like this, but they were all a little different. I typed it out a long time ago. I think when I typed it out I was trying to combine them all into one story. That is why it's so choppy.
I had several dreams like this, but they were all a little different. I typed it out a long time ago. I think when I typed it out I was trying to combine them all into one story. That is why it's so choppy.
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