Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Write Right

I read your words,
I see you write,
I see you remember,
I feel your pain,
your confusion,
your hurt,
your desire
your love
your emotions.
I see what you saw
I see what you wish
I see, see?
I get it all,
if you tell it write
What I don't see
is why'd you say
things were this way
when that's not quite right.
Poetic license?
Poetic license instead of truth?
WHy not tell it like it was?
It was beautiful to begin with
WHy say it didn't hurt
when in truth
you pushed it down
pushed it away
and pretended all was fine?
Why sAY
it was night
when it was day?
Why should I care?
I don't know
why I see
why I feel
WHen you speak TRUTH
when you embellish, I see naught.

I know I shouldn't mess with creative genius, if you feel you must write a certain way, do so, but if you write the way you do because someone tells you that it will be better recieved by mass audience if you change your style, your words, your essence, then you are denying yourself, your words. This is for some of the best writers I have read/known, I can not tell you a thing about their words, but the images and the emotions they conveyed and the truth they imparted was brilliant, whether they were recognized by the world or not.


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