Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I don't get why it is that men seem to think I'm kidding about talking to other men. I tell them straight out at the beginning that I am talking to other people, not sleeping with them, just talking, dating, and kissing a few of them. Then they seem to think as soon as I meet them or go out on one single date with them I should ditch everyone else for them. It's not that I don't like them, if I didn't I wouldn't still talk to them. I'd say "Hey, don't think it will work" or blah blah whatever.
That's why I don't post about everyone, not sure anything will happen there- and in one case I think something will, but don't wanna jinx it or anything.
I just get so ticked when I am made to feel like some kind of dating slut or something because I haven't picked one guy yet. It's just not right. There are lots of women out there that date a lot more than I do and don't even tell the guys they are dating that there are others, I don't want to start something off with a lie. I want to be up-front and honest.
I start to think maybe I should just tell everyone that it's over, done,finito. I don't want to do that though, I like them all, even if it's just mainly as friends.
If you can't handle not being my one and only then just back off. If you can handle it, then "YAY!" and maybe it will go nowhere, but maybe jus, maybe it will go somewhere.
I can not possibly say that the next guy I will go out with is going to be "the one" or that he will just be a friend, I can't see the future- at least not much and not clearly ;) ...
I mean, I'm not some sex starved ho or something that will just melt all over you if you turn me on. Seriously it doesn't take all that much to do that.
Yes, if I am dating someone, and I think it will or could go somewhere, and we have sex, then it's "Bye bye" to everyone else. If I just think it might possibly go somewhere, then naw, I'm still going to see my other friends. If we just have sex, and I don't see it going anywhere, then it's probably over right then. I wouldn't feel right seeing like 5 guys and sleeping with one- that's not fair and I'm not going to sleep with them all so...
Ok I ramble on and on- but one of them is getting on my nerves right now, so I figure "Why not bitch?"


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