Ian Dream
Last night I had an odd dream, Ian wanted to talk to me and was afraid that I wouldn't want to talk to him because something had happened (to him, or he did something or whatever- I don't know). I was like "Hon, whatever happened you can still talk to me. "
Then it gets a little blurry. Next part I remember somewhat clearly is being at a movie theater, no it was a circus, or a fair, or something...It was a fair, it reminded me of the Ren. Fest. We have every fall. There were boothes and things, but they had set the boothes up all wrong. All the boothes were in alphabetical order- many of the stores that were the same type ended up right next to each other- which just isn't practical. At the very back of the fair you could not find anything to eat or drink... I was thirsty but had to wait until we were leaving and about to go out the front gate to get something to drink.
At the front gate I ran into Tonya, and we start talking, she had run into another friend of hers up there and was telling her friend that she should work at the clothing store I used to work at and then she could make a lot of money and could beef up her wardrobe (I never worked in a clothing store in real life), I started telling her about the job, how when I was working there I had been skinnier than I was and regretted not buying a few slightly larger pieces of clothing while I still worked there. And then told her how I got the job and how great it was and on and on.
Then the phone rang, Angie woke me up :(
Then it gets a little blurry. Next part I remember somewhat clearly is being at a movie theater, no it was a circus, or a fair, or something...It was a fair, it reminded me of the Ren. Fest. We have every fall. There were boothes and things, but they had set the boothes up all wrong. All the boothes were in alphabetical order- many of the stores that were the same type ended up right next to each other- which just isn't practical. At the very back of the fair you could not find anything to eat or drink... I was thirsty but had to wait until we were leaving and about to go out the front gate to get something to drink.
At the front gate I ran into Tonya, and we start talking, she had run into another friend of hers up there and was telling her friend that she should work at the clothing store I used to work at and then she could make a lot of money and could beef up her wardrobe (I never worked in a clothing store in real life), I started telling her about the job, how when I was working there I had been skinnier than I was and regretted not buying a few slightly larger pieces of clothing while I still worked there. And then told her how I got the job and how great it was and on and on.
Then the phone rang, Angie woke me up :(
At 3:26 AM,
Me said…
In the dream he never said exactly what had happened. He had said something had happpened and I started wondering what it could be. Of course I jumped to worst case senario, that being- he was in some horrific accident and blah blah blah, then I was like "Naw, couldn't be" and then started thinking it was because he had met some girl, and thought I wouldn't want to just be a friend.
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