Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Alrighty, I finally have some time to sit down and blog without people IMing me all the time :D
Ok, where did I leave off? OK, I had gone to the mall... Hmmm. Well, sometime after that I talked to Tonya on the phone, and we decided to go out like last Wed. and play pool. So, she picked me up and we went to Wal-Mart- OMG sidenote - Ok, while we were at Wal-mart I picked up all these canvases and stuff I needed, we get up to the cash register and it all adds up to like 30 dollars-ish and since I am perpetually cashless I tried to put it on my card, it didn't go through, I swiped the card again, nothing, I only had 3 bucks on me so I had to put everything back except this paint thinner that I totally need, and I even had to borrow 50 cents from Tonya so I could pay for tax. Then we went to the gas station to check my balance on their ATM, and it wouldn't go through. So we went to my bank's ATM and still nothing. So I was cashless the whole night. I called the next day and found out the bank had some screwy system thing and that it was taken care of, then a couple days later I check my online account info and find out that not only did they take out the money that I was TRYING to spend at Wal-Mart, but since I ran the card through twice they were charging me DOUBLE the amount, now I have an overdraft charge and all this because of them, so I complained and it will take like up to two weeks for me to get my money back and until then I am overdrawn at the bank. I'm a little peeved, I'm alot peeved, I'm so frickin ticked off. I'm PMSing and I even started crying today when I got the letter from them sayin that I had gone over my balance and all that. I hate PMS. - OH YEAH, was talkin about somethin' completely different.
Ok, so Tonya and I left Wal-Mart and went to her place to get ready to go out. We stopped by her boyfriend's work place and OMG he proposed to her !!! :D SOOO cool :) and then we left her fiance's work place and went to play pool. It was cool, but Amy totally kicked my ass, I suck at pool, so that's kind of to be expected- but seriously she rocks! I was afraid to even play against her after she kicked Tonya's ass, but it was still really fun. :D and that's the point. OK, then we all went back to their place, Amy, Tonya, and John (Tonya's BF) all share an apartment. I read alot of palms, shh- don't tell anyone but umm, alot of palm reading can not be done from a book, and so I just kind of went with my gut feeling, but everyone seemed to feel I was right on the money so it's all good :) We were all kinds of messed up- it was late, we'd been drinking' etc. I crashed on the floor. I was just too tired at almost 5 am to stay up any more, so I laid down and went to sleep :)
I got back home around 3 pm the next day. Then Friday I went out with Angie , I think I said something about that in another post. We are friends with Christy again. We went to the bar, and sat with like 20 or so people, we had 7 or 8 tables put together, and we got drunk. Then we went there again on Saturday, we didn't have as many people that night, but still had to put like 5 tables together, they had one dollar shots again, but I didn't get nearly as drunk. I did however kiss the DJ again :D I'm so bad, I didn't even think to get his number or anything. :( I kinda wanna see him again, but I can't cause I'm broke until the stupid bank fixes their mess- stoopid mean old bank :(
I painted alot, I didn't post everything- but I think I only left out one of them. Scott started calling me again. I said something about my blog so he went and looked at it and got all upset just cause I didn't talk about him - SO- Scott is a big dork- there. Umm.. Something else happened.... Ummmm... Dude, I like just totally forgot what happened on Sunday....? Oh well, I had a weird dream too... I'll post that later. Caitie painted another pic, and I have a pic of her holding her painting. I'll post that later too..


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