Why I sigh

Personal junk, things I think are funny, sad stuff, happy stuff, just my life as I see it + lots of dreams. (Disclaimer- Not everything that appears in this blog is 100% accurate.)

Thursday, September 23, 2004

OH MY Gawd

I just got to say Whooo Hoooo
Ok, so Angie and I went to the bar, there were a couple of cutie pies there, but didn't really talk to them ( if you are reading this and being like "What do you mean you didn't talk to me, we talked all night." then STOP & THINK "Do I fit into the cutie pie category?" :) Ok, so Angie was talking to one of them- or not talking but doing that silly-playground-I-like-you-so-I-gotta-throw-stuff-at-you kind of thing. But that comes into play a little later.
Ok, we get to the bar around like 9:30, we only have a short amount of time to enjoy ladies' night- it ends at 10 :( so we go in, get carded, and while we are standing there Wes comes up and says something like that the security guy wants to double check our IDs or something- I was like "Whatever", so we go over to the tables, again there are like 7 tables put together, they don't like us putting them all together like that, it blocks dance floor access apparently. So I sit down and Angie goes over to talk to Christy. I was sitting between Wes and Robin or Robyn, I don't know how she spells her name... I was asked to read a couple of palms but it really felt like an off kind of night so I was like "Let me drink a little more and I'll do a better job for you." Then once I was finally drunk and feelin really good no one asked me to read them. Anyways, so we were all sitting there talking and drink and Angie was throwing stuff and getting things thrown at her. I was drinking vodka and cranberry juice, and I would have been just fine if I had not gone and drank that little bit of beer... I seriously only poured out like 1/4 of a glass and only had a couple of drinks from it, and it screwed me all up. I am not entirely sure of the sequence of events after that- I know that I finally got a dime to stand on it's side, Robin made Angie cry, I talked to Gary about movies and music or something, found out he knew of Sister Mary Rotten Crotch, exchanged email addys, joked around with Wes, called Tonya, Wes and Gary left, then later we left. Ok, I didn't really MEAN to call Tonya, I was thinking about it, and messing around with Angie's cell phone, then the phone was ringing and I was like "OOps" So I went outside and talked to Tonya on the phone. They set a date! October 8th of next year. I am going to help Tonya pick out her dress and stuff tomorrow, and (EEEEEEE Whoo hooo) I'm going to be a bride's maid! I have never been asked that before, not even in someone's fantasy wedding plans they don't include me. They are all like "I'm going to have this person, this person and this person as bride's maids..." I'm like "Hey, what about me??" I think I've only been to like 3 weddings in my life, one was when I was 14, one was Angie's , and one was my cousin Tiffany's wedding, I played the music at Tiffany's wedding- er I hit play on the boom box. So, this is really really cool :D Ok, so back to the bar... We decided that since Angie could not yet drive we would go to this other bar with Christy, Mike, Jana, Kim, and I don't know if anyone else went with us. So we get there and they are doing karaoke. They do not however have "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or "Welcome To Planet Motherfucker- Psychoholic Slag" so I didn't put in to sing one, I sang along with everyone else though. It was fun. There were a couple of cute guys there that I flirted with but it was just lite flirting. Then we went to Kim's place to sleep it off a bit. I got sick. It was not good, it was all because of the beer- I know I should stay away from it, and usually I do (I think the main reason I drank it was to show that I can handle it- guess I really can't). So, Kim calls down her son to come babysit me. He helps me into the apartment. We sit and talk for a bit. Then the bring out pillows and a blanket and we all lay down.
I was just laying there and someone starts touching me...
I was like "Huh?"
Then it just felt soooo good. I was like "Kick ass".
You should have heard all the moaning going on. It was cool.
I'm not even sure who it was.
I think they kept switching back and forth.
It was like this orgy of massage.
I got my back popped :) Angie says she wished that someone had gone a little further down on her back, because her lower back has been killing her for a couple of days. Then the 3 guys went off to bed and Angie and Kim start talking about sex. Seriously don't even wanna repeat what they were talking about in detail. Then I was like "Babysitter, help me..." and stuff, just being silly. Then they agreed to stop talking about that, and we went to sleep. I think we left around 5:30 ish and stopped for McDonald's egg sandwiches, I was still really messed up. I was barely aware of where we were. I think I got home a little before 6, but I wouldn't swear that... Then I'm in bed, the room is spinning and the phone rings. I did not even want to get up , but I did finally answer the phone. It was Angie, she had accidentally pushed some button on her cell phone and all I heard was her getting Matt up for school.
I went to sleep and had this funky dream. I woke up still drunk.
I would not suggest anyone trying this at home. It's not all that great- I feel icky today- I have cat hair on me from sleeping on the floor, my stomach feels so icky, my head feels funny, etc.


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